Thursday, October 8, 2009


Gringos hanging at Klein Bohemia in SPS - returning Catracho Report image

"I resent you people using that word! That's our word for making fun of you! We NEED it!" - Homer Simpson

Someone should have taken a stand long ago, this has gone too far. I'm taking it back. It's origins aren't even clear to me, but I want it anyway. I'd also like to clarify to all Canadians, Europeans, and yes - Australians that you are Gringos too. Even Asians when considering people from Israel, Russia, Armenia, and Turkey. Argentinians, Spaniards (the real ones, not the "Mainlanders"), you're also in the club. Sorry, I have to do it. It would not be fair to the Asian Gringos for you to be excluded from the label.

No one is certain of it's origin or exact definition. I've read countless possible references connecting the initial use of the word to Irish for wearing green uniforms while fighting in the Mexican America War, American soldiers singing a song with the words "Green" and "Grow" in the title, and even claims that the phrase "That's Greek to me!" gave roots to the term.

The use of the word isn't supposed to be humorous to you, you've taken all the fun out of it. It's supposed to be a racial connotation. Play fair! This word has been irresponsibly tossed around for long enough!

La Gringa: You get a Gringo Card, so you can keep the name.

Revision: I have to add that Gringo is not the same as the term "Yankee", Gringo is a milder offense.


Anonymous said...

My husband who is Canadian used to get upset when they called him Gringo. I've tried a million of times to explain to him that in Honduras it's not an insult. It is just a name a way for us to identify you. We call ourselves Catrachos and you are Gringos. If you've lived anytime in Honduras, you know we are PROUD to be called Catrachos. So don't feel bad, be happy. Be like the Gringa she understands us. ;O)

deena said...

How about "green go", it was used many moons ago when bananeras became the #1 biz for the Americas and the North Americans. The populacho then adopted the term and became second nature.

La Gringa said...

Thanks for clarifying that! That is what El Jefe has told me, too. I'm tired of Canadians and Australians saying they aren't gringos. ;-)

Thanks for the gringo card. I'll keep using the name.

Anonymous said...

Gringos, turquos, chnos, negritos whatever the term in Honduras these words are usually not meant in a demeaning fashion. A lot of people call me "gringita" and they love me.

Anonymous said...

The best one comes from people in San Pedro Sula, where a lot of Asians live and work: The chinitos from Korea.

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