Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cold Showers and Writing

An update about "finally" posting on a blog scrolled across my Facebook feed today, respected as an intelligent person, I decided to follow her >>>link<<<. Her post was so amusing, that it motivated me to "finally" update my blog in hopes of amusing one of my 3 or 4 followers. If I get one, that's a pretty big percentage. I almost didn't check how long she she withheld from blogging, but my blogging etiquette kicked in, forcing me to click previous. Turns out, she was away for less than a month. Pff. Check out my previous post, that's what's up. That's almost nine months. I could have put a baby in someone, taken baby classes, built a crib, and created a morphthing photo of me and the lucky lady. All she did was go to >>>Antigua, Guatemala<<<. I'd rather go there than put a baby in someone though.

Since I am serious about my return to blogging, I skimmed through past posts that didn't align with my current vibe. Anything with a negative tone has been deleted, I really don't have anything to be upset about. I'm not sleeping on cardboard, a floor, or a couch. When I get back to one of those, I'm allowed to complain.

Another funny thing about my previous post: I didn't have hot water then, I don't have hot water now. Coincidence? I will never get used to that.


La Gringa said...

I'm a loyal reader who was surprised to see your article *finally* come up on my "New Stuff to Read" widget. You often make me laugh, but I'm not so sure about deleting old articles. I don't like that. Good or bad days are all part of who we are and what makes us interesting. I think it helps to get to know the blogger. But to each his own, I know I'm among the minority there, especially among Honduran bloggers.

carlosjmelgar said...

The negative posts are what has kept me from writing for so long. Staying positive is difficult in Honduras, writing about the bad puts me in a downward spiral. I've learned to ignore all the petty stuff and focus on what makes me feel good and positively contributes to my growth.

I also head a great line on one of ESPN's sports yelling shows about not hanging your underwear with holes outside on the line, keep those inside.

Thanks for the continued support and inspiration LG!

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