Overtime begins... aaaaaaaand my coach decides to sit me out. By "sit me out", I mean do anything to prevent me from completing my work. We have our differences like Artest being coached by Bobby Knight and... let's just say it didn't work out.
The game ends, I'm still on the bench, and my team loses. To make matters worse, I get released... as in fired. I got canned for the first time!!! Chet!
This place was so screwed up that I have to begin retelling some hilarious experiences I endured while working there (and living on Roatan.)
I now introduce: "Conversations in Honduraninan"
Employer: You speak Spanish right?
Los: Of course I do! I can read and write it (coming soon) too.
Employer: "Great! I need you to pretend like you don't. My employees don't like me and always talk about my wife and I. I want you to pretend like you don't speak Spanish and report what everyone is saying about us."
Los: Really? Are you joking right now?
Employer: I'm not joking, just do it. ok?
Los: ok...
Later that day I am escorted to my new office from where I was to fulfill my duties as "Accounting Manager". I am introduced and left with my new assistants to figure out to where to begin (as customary in Honduras, no direction is given because the employers don't know what the hell they are doing so they hope they can hire someone to tell them what they should be doing).
Within the first few minutes I am there, I'm asked:
Edith: "Carlos, usted habla Espanol?"
Los: "Claro que si" (thinking to myself: Dammit! I forgot that I wasn't supposed to speak Spanish.)
I should have guessed that this was not going to be a good fit for me...