Sunday, February 21, 2010

Honduran Words and Expressions - Chepos


Noun. A police officer. The term "chepo" is derived from "Chepe," a nickname commonly used for a person named Jose. It is believed that the majority of Honduran police officers are named Jose, causing the generalized nickname to stick to the entire force. Transit officials, military, and specialized "Cobra" forces are exempt from this nickname, although it is safe to assume that the majority of those officers are also name Jose, or Carlos.

"Chepos" are characterized by honesty, professionalism, and commitment to service.

Updated February 25th
It should be noted that police officers are not fond of the term "chepo."

#1. Se metieron a mi casa unos ladrones. Nos dejaron hule!

#2. Que pasada! Y el wachi?

#1. No vio nada, ese man estaba fundiado!

#2. No te preocupes, ahorita llamo a los Chepos. Ellos responderan de immediato y estan capacitados en ciencia forense.

1# Esta bien. Hare lo posible por preservar la escena del crimen.

From Returning Catracho Report

Taken from inside the cell in the "movil." Wachi in the background

From Returning Catracho Report

Before being escorted to the movil...

Urban Dictionary definition

TuBabel Definition


Anonymous said...

"Chepos" are characterized by honesty, professionalism, and commitment to service.

Ok I'll bite ...are the police in Honduras really like what you say or is this a joke.

carlosjmelgar said...

Hello Anonymous! They are as honest, professional, and committed to service as the LAPD are nondiscriminatory and polite. What are the police like where you're from?

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