Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Taxi! - Por Afuera

It's been a long time... I shouldn't have left you...

My apologies to all five readers for the delayed post. I've been busy with some "projects..."

If you've had to rely on the colectivo taxis in Roatan, you know what I mean by "Por afuera" or "Por fuera." Wikipedia defines what a colectivo is well, but the concept is less organized in Roatan because it's an island with one highway connecting the four or five major areas.

When commuting to and from work, I only use a pair of guys I like, this also reduces my risk of death by head on collision. I can't always use them because they're rarely near my home when I call. If I don't want to wait, which I usually don't, I go out to the "pavimentada" and hail a cab. Sometimes after boarding, I regret not having the patience to wait for Gio or Manzanares, my two preferred drivers.

If you haven't been on a colectivo in Rotan, or speak Spanish. "Por afuera" means "from outside". As in, open the door from outside because the handle either doesn't work or doesn't exist inside.


Anonymous said...

lol!! classic. i think i've been in all of those...

Anonymous said...

lol!!! classic. i think i've been in all of those...

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